SB55-ASA1-AA1,1239,19 19" Section 3427p. 343.50 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB55-ASA1-AA1,1239,2420 343.50 (5) Valid period; fees. The fee for an original card and for the
21reinstatement of an identification card after cancellation under sub. (10) shall be $9
22or, if the applicant is unable to pay due to economic hardship, as determined by rule
23of the department, without charge
. The card shall be valid for the succeeding period
24of 4 years from the applicant's next birthday after the date of issuance.
SB55-ASA1-AA1, s. 3427q
1Section 3427q. 343.50 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB55-ASA1-AA1,1240,102 343.50 (6) Renewal. At least 30 days prior to the expiration of the card, the
3department shall mail a renewal application to the last-known address of each
4identification card holder. The department shall include with the application
5information, as developed by all organ procurement organizations in cooperation
6with the department, that promotes anatomical donations and which relates to the
7anatomical donation opportunity available under s. 343.175. The fee for a renewal
8identification card shall be $9, which or, if the identification card holder is unable to
9pay due to economic hardship, as determined by rule of the department, without
10charge. The renewal identification
card shall be valid for 4 years.".
SB55-ASA1-AA1,1240,11 111677. Page 1125, line 10: after that line insert:
SB55-ASA1-AA1,1240,12 12" Section 3442d. 346.16 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB55-ASA1-AA1,1240,1713 346.16 (2) (a) Except as provided in par. (b), no pedestrian or person riding a
14bicycle or other nonmotorized vehicle and no person operating a low-speed vehicle,
15moped or motor bicycle may go upon any expressway or freeway when official signs
16have been erected prohibiting such person from using the expressway or freeway
17have been erected as provided in s. 349.105.".
SB55-ASA1-AA1,1240,18 181678. Page 1125, line 10: after that line insert:
SB55-ASA1-AA1,1240,19 19" Section 3442d. 346.177 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB55-ASA1-AA1,1241,220 346.177 (4) The clerk of the circuit court shall collect and transmit to the county
21treasurer the railroad crossing improvement assessment as required under s. 59.40
22(2) (m). The county treasurer shall then pay the state treasurer as provided in s.
2359.25 (3) (f) 2. The state treasurer shall deposit all amounts received under this

1subsection in the public transportation account in the transportation fund to be
2appropriated under s. 20.395 (2) (gj).
SB55-ASA1-AA1, s. 3442dr 3Section 3442dr. 346.495 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB55-ASA1-AA1,1241,94 346.495 (4) The clerk of the circuit court shall collect and transmit to the county
5treasurer the railroad crossing improvement assessment as required under s. 59.40
6(2) (m). The county treasurer shall then pay the state treasurer as provided in s.
759.25 (3) (f) 2. The state treasurer shall deposit all amounts received under this
8subsection in the public transportation account in the transportation fund to be
9appropriated under s. 20.395 (2) (gj).".
SB55-ASA1-AA1,1241,10 101679. Page 1126, line 21: after that line insert:
SB55-ASA1-AA1,1241,11 11" Section 3443e. 346.65 (4r) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB55-ASA1-AA1,1241,1712 346.65 (4r) (d) The clerk of the circuit court shall collect and transmit to the
13county treasurer the railroad crossing improvement assessment as required under
14s. 59.40 (2) (m). The county treasurer shall then pay the state treasurer as provided
15in s. 59.25 (3) (f) 2. The state treasurer shall deposit all amounts received under this
16paragraph in the public transportation account in the transportation fund to be
17appropriated under s. 20.395 (2) (gj).".
SB55-ASA1-AA1,1241,18 181680. Page 1129, line 6: after that line insert:
SB55-ASA1-AA1,1241,19 19" Section 3445c. 346.94 (18) of the statutes is created to read:
SB55-ASA1-AA1,1241,2220 346.94 (18) Low-speed vehicles on roadway. (a) A person may operate a
21low-speed vehicle upon any roadway that is under the jurisdiction of a local
22authority and that has a speed limit of 25 or less miles per hour.
SB55-ASA1-AA1,1242,323 (b) No person may operate a low-speed vehicle upon any roadway that is under
24the jurisdiction of a local authority and that has a speed limit of more than 25 miles

1per hour but not more than 35 miles per hour unless the roadway is designated for
2low-speed vehicle operation by municipal or county ordinance enacted under s.
3349.237 (1).
SB55-ASA1-AA1,1242,104 (c) No person may operate a low-speed vehicle upon any highway that has a
5speed limit of more than 35 miles per hour. Except at crossings authorized under s.
6349.237 (2), and at intersections where traffic is controlled by an official traffic
7control device, no person may operate a low-speed vehicle upon a state trunk
8highway or connecting highway. This paragraph does not apply to vehicles
9registered under s. 341.26 (2m) or vehicles exempted from this paragraph by the
10department by rule.
SB55-ASA1-AA1, s. 3445d 11Section 3445d. 346.95 (8) of the statutes is created to read:
SB55-ASA1-AA1,1242,1312 346.95 (8) Any person violating s. 346.94 (18) may be required to forfeit not less
13than $30 nor more than $300.
SB55-ASA1-AA1, s. 3445e 14Section 3445e. 347.02 (8) of the statutes is created to read:
SB55-ASA1-AA1,1242,2115 347.02 (8) Notwithstanding the requirements of this chapter or s. 340.01
16(27m), the department may, by rule, establish for low-speed vehicles special
17equipment standards that differ from the equipment standards established under
18this chapter. Special equipment standards established under this subsection shall
19be identical to the federal standards established in 49 CFR 571.500, except that the
20department may establish additional standards for equipment not required under
2149 CFR 571.500.".
SB55-ASA1-AA1,1242,22 221681. Page 1129, line 6: after that line insert:
SB55-ASA1-AA1,1242,24 23" Section 3445eh. 346.67 (title) and (1) (intro.) of the statutes are amended to
1346.67 (title) Duty upon striking person or attended or occupied
or causing an accident. (1) (intro.) The Except as provided in sub. (1m),
operator of any vehicle who is involved in an accident resulting in injury to or
4death of any person or in damage to a vehicle which that is driven or attended by any
5person shall immediately stop such his or her vehicle at the scene of the accident or
6as close thereto to the scene of the accident as possible but shall then forthwith return
7to and in every event shall remain at the scene of the accident until the operator has
8fulfilled all of the following requirements:
SB55-ASA1-AA1, s. 3445ej 9Section 3445ej. 346.67 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB55-ASA1-AA1,1243,1310 346.67 (1) (a) The operator shall give his or her name, address, and the
11registration number of the vehicle he or she is driving to the any person struck or
12injured as a result of the accident
or to the operator or occupant of or person attending
13any vehicle collided with; and that is damaged as a result of the accident.
SB55-ASA1-AA1, s. 3445ek 14Section 3445ek. 346.67 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB55-ASA1-AA1,1243,1815 346.67 (1) (b) The operator shall, upon request and if available, exhibit his or
16her operator's license to the any person struck or injured as a result of the accident
17or to the operator or occupant of or person attending any vehicle collided with; and
18that is damaged as a result of the accident.
SB55-ASA1-AA1, s. 3445em 19Section 3445em. 346.67 (1m) of the statutes is created to read:
SB55-ASA1-AA1,1243,2420 346.67 (1m) The duties imposed under sub. (1) also apply to an operator of a
21vehicle that has not collided with another person or vehicle whenever facts and
22circumstances provide notice to the operator that his or her operation of the vehicle
23was a primary cause of an accident resulting in injury to or death of any person or
24in damage to a vehicle that is driven or attended by any person.
SB55-ASA1-AA1, s. 3445eo 25Section 3445eo. 346.67 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
1346.67 (2) Any stop required under sub. (1) or (1m) shall be made without
2obstructing traffic more than is necessary.
SB55-ASA1-AA1, s. 3445eq 3Section 3445eq. 346.74 (6) of the statutes is created to read:
SB55-ASA1-AA1,1244,44 346.74 (6) Any person violating s. 346.67 (1m):
SB55-ASA1-AA1,1244,65 (a) Shall be fined not less than $150 nor more than $500 or imprisoned for not
6more than 3 months or both if the accident did not involve death or injury to a person.
SB55-ASA1-AA1,1244,97 (b) Shall be fined not less than $300 nor more than $2,500 or imprisoned for
8not more than one year or both if the accident involved injury to a person but the
9person did not suffer great bodily harm.
SB55-ASA1-AA1,1244,1210 (c) May be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned for not more than one
11year or both if the accident involved injury to a person and the person suffered great
12bodily harm or if the accident involved death to a person.".
SB55-ASA1-AA1,1244,13 131682. Page 1129, line 6: after that line insert:
SB55-ASA1-AA1,1244,14 14" Section 3445dg. 347.14 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB55-ASA1-AA1,1244,2115 347.14 (2) A stop lamp shall be so constructed as to be actuated upon
16application of the service or foot brake or separate trailer brake and shall emit a red
17or amber light. The stop lamp for a motorcycle may emit, in addition to the red light,
18a blue light that is located in the center of the lamp and that comprises less than 10%
19of the surface area of the lamp. A stop lamp under this subsection shall be
20visible and understandable from all distances up to 300 feet to the rear during
21normal sunlight when viewed from the driver's seat of the vehicle following.
SB55-ASA1-AA1, s. 3445dm 22Section 3445dm. 347.25 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB55-ASA1-AA1,1245,223 347.25 (4) No Except as provided in s. 347.14 (2), no vehicle may be equipped
24with or display any blue colored light or lamp unless the vehicle is used in police work

1authorized by the state or a political subdivision of the state or is used by a fire
2department as authorized under sub. (1s).".
SB55-ASA1-AA1,1245,3 31683. Page 1129, line 6: after that line insert:
SB55-ASA1-AA1,1245,4 4" Section 3445c. 346.71 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB55-ASA1-AA1,1245,165 346.71 (1) Every coroner or medical examiner shall, on or before the 10th day
6of each month, report in writing any accident involving a motor vehicle occurring
7within the coroner's or medical examiner's jurisdiction resulting in the death of any
8person during the preceding calendar month. If the accident involved an all-terrain
9vehicle, the report shall be made to the department of natural resources fish, wildlife,
10parks, and forestry
and shall include the information specified by that department.
11If the accident involved any other motor vehicle, the report shall be made to the
12department and shall include the information specified by the department. The
13coroner or medical examiner of the county where the death occurs, if the accident
14occurred in another jurisdiction, shall, immediately upon learning of the death,
15report it to the coroner or medical examiner of the county where the accident
16occurred, as provided in s. 979.01 (1).
SB55-ASA1-AA1, s. 3445d 17Section 3445d. 346.71 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB55-ASA1-AA1,1246,1718 346.71 (2) In cases of death involving a motor vehicle in which the decedent was
19the operator of a motor vehicle, a pedestrian 14 years of age or older or a bicycle
20operator 14 years of age or older and who died within 6 hours of the time of the
21accident, the coroner or medical examiner of the county where the death occurred
22shall require that a blood specimen of at least 10 cc. be withdrawn from the body of
23the decedent within 12 hours after his or her death, by the coroner or medical
24examiner or by a physician so designated by the coroner or medical examiner or by

1a qualified person at the direction of the physician. All funeral directors shall obtain
2a release from the coroner or medical examiner of the county where the accident
3occurred as provided in s. 979.01 (4) prior to proceeding with embalming any body
4coming under the scope of this section. The blood so drawn shall be forwarded to a
5laboratory approved by the department of health and family services for analysis of
6the alcoholic content of the blood specimen. The coroner or medical examiner causing
7the blood to be withdrawn shall be notified of the results of each analysis made and
8shall forward the results of each such analysis to the department of health and family
9services. If the death involved a motor vehicle, the department shall keep a record
10of all such examinations to be used for statistical purposes only and the department
11shall disseminate and make public the cumulative results of the examinations
12without identifying the individuals involved. If the death involved an all-terrain
13vehicle, the department of natural resources fish, wildlife, parks, and forestry shall
14keep a record of all such examinations to be used for statistical purposes only, and
15the department of natural resources fish, wildlife, parks, and forestry shall
16disseminate and make public the cumulative results of the examinations without
17identifying the individuals involved.
SB55-ASA1-AA1, s. 3445e 18Section 3445e. 347.06 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB55-ASA1-AA1,1246,2419 347.06 (4) A duly authorized warden, as defined in s. 24.01 (11), or an
20environmental warden appointed under s. 278.10
may operate a vehicle owned or
21leased by the department of natural resources fish, wildlife, parks, and forestry or
22the department of environmental management
upon a highway during hours of
23darkness without lighted headlamps, tail lamps or clearance lamps in the
24performance of the warden's duties under s. 29.924 (2).".
11684. Page 1130, line 24: after that line insert:
SB55-ASA1-AA1,1247,2 2" Section 3445p. 348.16 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB55-ASA1-AA1,1247,103 348.16 (3) Any motor vehicle whose operation is pickup or delivery, including
4operation for the purpose of moving or delivering supplies or commodities to or from
5any place of business or residence that has an entrance on a class "B" highway,
6pick up or deliver on a class "B" highway if the gross weight imposed on the highway
7by the wheels of any one axle does not exceed 16,500 pounds, subject to the approval
8of the county highway commissioner or the county highway committee in the case of
9highways maintained by the county
without complying with the gross vehicle weight
10limitations imposed by sub. (2)
SB55-ASA1-AA1,1247,11 111685. Page 1133, line 9: after that line insert:
SB55-ASA1-AA1,1247,12 12" Section 3456. 348.27 (10) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB55-ASA1-AA1,1247,2313 348.27 (10) Transportation of grain or coal or iron. The department may
14issue annual or consecutive month permits for the transportation of loads of grain,
15as defined in s. 127.01 (18) 126.01 (13), coal, iron ore concentrates or alloyed iron on
16a vehicle or a combination of 2 or more vehicles that exceeds statutory weight or
17length limitations and for the return of the empty vehicle or combination of vehicles
18over any class of highway for a distance not to exceed 5 miles from the Wisconsin state
19line. If the roads desired to be used by the applicant involve streets or highways other
20than those within the state trunk highway system, the application shall be
21accompanied by a written statement of route approval by the officer in charge of
22maintenance of the other highway. This subsection does not apply to highways
23designated as part of the national system of interstate and defense highways.".
SB55-ASA1-AA1,1247,24 241686. Page 1134, line 14: after that line insert:
1" Section 3456mg. 349.06 (4) of the statutes is created to read:
SB55-ASA1-AA1,1248,72 349.06 (4) Any municipality or county may enact and enforce an ordinance that
3regulates the equipment of a low-speed vehicle if the ordinance strictly conforms to
4rules promulgated under s. 347.02 (8). An ordinance that incorporates by reference
5existing and future amendments of rules promulgated under s. 347.02 (8) shall be
6considered to be in strict conformity and not contrary to or inconsistent with s. 347.02
7(8) and rules promulgated under that subsection.".
SB55-ASA1-AA1,1248,8 81687. Page 1134, line 15: delete lines 15 to 20.
SB55-ASA1-AA1,1248,9 91688. Page 1134, line 20: after that line insert:
SB55-ASA1-AA1,1248,10 10" Section 3456nm. 349.105 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB55-ASA1-AA1,1248,18 11349.105 Authority to prohibit certain traffic on expressways and
The authority in charge of maintenance of an expressway or freeway
13may, by order, ordinance or resolution, prohibit the use of such expressway or
14freeway by pedestrians, persons riding bicycles or other nonmotorized traffic or by
15persons operating low-speed vehicles, mopeds or motor bicycles. The state or local
16authority adopting any such prohibitory regulation shall erect and maintain official
17signs giving notice thereof on the expressway or freeway to which such prohibition
SB55-ASA1-AA1,1248,19 191689. Page 1134, line 22: after that line insert:
SB55-ASA1-AA1,1248,20 20" Section 3456s. 349.237 of the statutes is created to read:
SB55-ASA1-AA1,1248,23 21349.237 Authority to regulate operation of low-speed vehicles. The
22governing body of any municipality or county may by ordinance do any of the
1(1) Designate any roadway under its jurisdiction having a speed limit of more
2than 25 miles per hour but not more than 35 miles per hour upon which a low-speed
3vehicle may be operated.
SB55-ASA1-AA1,1249,7 4(2) Designate locations for low-speed vehicles to cross a state trunk highway
5or connecting highway that is not a controlled-access highway. A municipality or
6county may erect official signs or mark a crossing designated under this subsection
7only as directed by the department.".
SB55-ASA1-AA1,1249,8 81690. Page 1134, line 22: after that line insert:
SB55-ASA1-AA1,1249,9 9" Section 3456r. 349.235 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB55-ASA1-AA1,1249,1410 349.235 (2) The department of natural resources fish, wildlife, parks, and
may promulgate rules designating roadways under its jurisdiction upon
12which in-line skates may be used, except that no rule may permit a person using
13in-line skates to attach the skates or himself or herself to any vehicle upon a
SB55-ASA1-AA1, s. 3456v 15Section 3456v. 350.01 (1r) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB55-ASA1-AA1,1249,1716 350.01 (1r) "Board" means the natural resources fish, wildlife, parks, and
SB55-ASA1-AA1, s. 3456x 18Section 3456x. 350.01 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB55-ASA1-AA1,1249,2019 350.01 (3) "Department" means the department of natural resources fish,
20wildlife, parks, and forestry
SB55-ASA1-AA1,1249,21 211691. Page 1135, line 7: after that line insert:
SB55-ASA1-AA1,1249,22 22" Section 3459m. 350.025 of the statutes is created to read:
1350.025 Snowmobile speed limit rules. The department may not
2promulgate any rule, or enforce any department rule, that establishes a snowmobile
3speed limit.".
SB55-ASA1-AA1,1250,4 41692. Page 1139, line 19: after that line insert:
SB55-ASA1-AA1,1250,6 5" Section 3478b. 350.12 (3h) (g) of the statutes, as affected by 2001 Wisconsin
6Act .... (this act), is amended to read:
SB55-ASA1-AA1,1250,97 350.12 (3h) (g) Receipt of fees. All fees remitted to or collected by the
8department under par. (ar) shall be credited to the appropriation account under s.
920.370 (9) (hu) (1) (hw).".
SB55-ASA1-AA1,1250,10 101693. Page 1140, line 4: after that line insert:
SB55-ASA1-AA1,1250,11 11" Section 3481b. 350.12 (4) (a) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB55-ASA1-AA1,1250,1412 350.12 (4) (a) Enforcement, administration and related costs. (intro.) The
13moneys appropriated from s. 20.370 (3) (ak) and, (aq), (tu), and (tw) and (5) (es) and
14(9) (mu) and (mw)
may be used for the following:
SB55-ASA1-AA1,1250,15 15" Section 3481s. 350.12 (4) (a) 3m. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB55-ASA1-AA1,1250,1716 350.12 (4) (a) 3m. The cost of state law enforcement efforts as appropriated
17under s. 20.370 (3) (1) (ak) and (aq); and
SB55-ASA1-AA1, s. 3482n 18Section 3482n. 350.12 (4) (am) of the statutes is amended to read: